Friday, February 23, 2007

Encourage Yourself

There is a song by Donald Lawrence and The Tri-City Singers titled "Encourage Yourself". Oh what a beautiful song.

The ministry at my church called Ministry With Purpose is going to attempt this song on this coming Sunday. This song really means alot to all of us because there are only about six members in this group. We have been encouraging each other to keep going despite the fact that there are only a few of us. God will get the Glory!

As we practiced this song, it really touched me. We've got to believe what the word of the Lord speaks about us and our lives. And that the devil is a liar.

Life is good. We feel like we're soaring above the clouds. Nothing can bring us down, then something unexpected happens and we fall to the ground. I believe we have to get up and dust ourselves off and keep going. Never quit, never give up. It can be hard because it may seem it's impossible and can't be overcome. But I say to you and to myself (I definitely have to remind myself). God will meet us at the point of our impossibility.

Remember, even when others try to encourage and lift us up, sometimes we have to do it for ourselves.

If you're going through something today, just be encouraged. Even if nobody else says a word of encouragement, ENCOURAGE YOURSELF!!!

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