Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mountain Experiences

I know you've heard me say it before about how very deeply the emails I receive concerning my books touch my heart. Words can not express the way those emails make me feel. It brings me up when I'm down about my writing.

See, the road to publishing was interesting to me. I only finished the first manuscript to prove my friend Jacquie wrong. Turns out I was the one that was wrong and got a two book contract in the process.

Then after my first book was published the editor left. After that things started to change and by the time my second book came out, I started to wonder if this was what God really wanted for me to do.

We have to all look at ourselves and our abilities. When rejection hits, I think doubt creeps in and plunges our self-esteem into the deep. But that's when we have to dig in deep into our faith and keep moving forward.

If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you have say to the mountain (MOUNTAIN GET OUT OF MY WAY). I believe we all have mountain experiences, some larger than others. I believe writing is a mountain for me.

Rejection is a part of life, but sometimes I feel that I don't want to subject myself to rejection that's not really necessary. Meaning, why should I keep on trying to write when I can't find a publisher. I should because I have all these stories in my belly and from the response from the readers they believe I have something to say as well. Almost every week I have someone who joins my newsletter mailing list. I haven't sent out a newsletter in forever, because I don't have anything to tell them. They are so sweet in dropping me an email asking how I'm doing and when is Ivy Hart's story going to be released. (LOL)

To everything there is a season, a time and purpose.... Yes, Lord, I do believe that is true. When is the time? I guess that's where faith steps in yet again. You've got to trust God.

I want my readers to experience the joy of Ivy, Lili and Violet Hart finally finding love. I want them to meet Victoria and James, Shante and Richard, Regina and Miles, Desiree and Xavier and all the others.

I am going to work hard to keep pushing through even when I feel defeated. PUSH - Pray Until Something Happens and while I'm praying I'm going to be writing. Pray for me will you?


bettye griffin said...

That's the attitude, Sean! As you know, writing without a deadline is much more relaxing that writing with a deadline, so enjoy yourself as you create all those stories. And when you do sell, just think of the wonderful library of work you will have to offer.

Gwyneth Bolton said...

That's right, Sean! You can't give up. Your readers need your voice and the stories you have to share. Don't give up.
