Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Oh Give Thanks Unto The Lord for he is Good!!!

I just wanted to drop you a line to say
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones.
Take some time to share with the ones you love
and let them know how thankful you are for their
friendship and love.

I want to thank everyone for all the emails and ecards with words of encouragement. Thanks for the notes saying you loved my books and most of all WHEN IS THE NEXT ONE COMING? I appreciate your kindness.
Have a wonderful holiday.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday Ramblings

It's Friday. It's seems like I blinked on Monday and now it's already Friday.
I've been cruising the net this morning and came across another wonderful blog from a literary agent Rachelle Gardner.

Rachelle is a Christian Literary Agent who uses her Rants and Ramblings Blog to share her experiences and other important things with the world. I love her post from Monday Your Calling As A Writer When I read it, it confirmed to me that I'm not the only person that has wondered if God really called me to write or if it was just a season. She received some wonderful responses.

One woman's thoughts mimicked mine exactly. It's amazing how the Lord works. I was just feeling a little down after receiving a rejection. I love God for his mercy and his grace. This is not an easy business and now with the economy on a downward slope it is getting more and more competitive.

I also found this awesome blog called So You Want To Be Published. Check it out.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy Rachelle's offering and you have a successful weekend.


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Article Worth Reading by Author Jane Porter

I just wanted to drop a line to tell you about an article I found on popular fiction novelist Jane Porter's blog. Her book Flirty with Forty is a lifetime movie starring Heather Locklear. I really like Jane's personality and go to her site frequently. I thought I'd post the link to an article she wrote titled: A WRITER'S PERSPECTIVE: ATTITUDE IS EVERYTHING
Check it out.

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Weekend/Writing

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I didn't get much writing done, but it was a great weekend. Our church celebrated our Pastor & First Lady's Anniversary. My mom was chairperson, so of course I had lots of work to do.

Anyway, I am proud to say that I am getting ready to start Chapter 15 of my novel FROM THIS MOMENT. This story has been the easiest to write thus far. I am hoping the readers will enjoy it as much I've enjoyed writing it. Jonathan and Ivy are definitely a great match for each other. Looking forward to typing the words THE END. After I complete FROM THIS MOMENT, I will start work right away on Lili Hart's story I THEE WED.

Keep praying and I'll keep writing.


Wednesday, November 05, 2008

This is The Day That The Lord Has Made

...I will rejoice and be glad in it.
Barack Obama is now our 44th President.
The jubilation and passion of the American
people really touched my heart.

The first thing I thought about was
all the people that paved the way for him
to get where he is. I also thought about
those people who were blessed enough to have
experienced the change that some never
thought they'd see in their lifetime.

I know there is a long road ahead, but this
makes the road a bit easier to travel.
Congratulations Mr. President.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

You Never Know What's In Store For You

Last Friday, my son Gerold won Duke of the Sophmore college class.
Mind you, he fought me on the fact that he didn't even want to go to
Wilberforce University.

I really like his school because it's a small campus and the staff are
excellent people. They really care for the kids and look out for them.
I kept telling him that everything would be okay. He just had to work
hard and make it what he wanted it to be.

I'm so very proud of his achievements and I believe if he keeps his trust in
the Lord, he will do greater things.

Congratulations to my baby!! (I know, I know he's not a baby anymore!) LOL

Don't forget to vote!!!

Obama '08